Emails sent to spam?

Some of the emails being sent from my users are now going to spam. Anyone else having this issue? Any tips on how I can avoid this?

David, this is a truly valid concern and something we’re unfortunately suffering due to some spam sent from our platform a while back.

My advice would be to switch to using your own SMTP server for outgoing emails which has many benefits.

Please check out our integration page on using your own SMTP on how to accomplish this. We recommend using email services like SendGrid, not just your Gmail account.

We wrote an article on this specifically:

Probably just me, but I hope it helps save someone a couple of hours testing… :slight_smile:

Do not use the name you give the apikey in Sendgrid in the username field in the Tadabase custom email server settings. Sendgrid literally wants that field to say “apikey.”

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