Limit text length in table

Greetings Tada Community -

This JS works great but I am getting duplicate “more/less” links (see picture)…anyone have any idea what my be causing this?

@Chem and I were working on this and he updated the script to this but the problem still exists:

function showMore(id) {
    document.getElementById(id + 'Overflow').className = '';
    document.getElementById(id + 'MoreLink').className = 'hidden';
    document.getElementById(id + 'LessLink').className = '';
function showLess(id) {
    document.getElementById(id + 'Overflow').className = 'hidden';
    document.getElementById(id + 'MoreLink').className = '';
    document.getElementById(id + 'LessLink').className = 'hidden';

var trun = function(){
    var len = 100;
    var shrinkables = $('tbody td span');
    if (shrinkables.length > 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < shrinkables.length; i++) {
            var fullText = shrinkables[i].innerHTML;
            if (fullText.length > len && !$(shrinkables[i].offsetParent).hasClass('allow-inline-edit')) {
                var trunc = fullText.substring(0, len).replace(/\w+$/, '');
                var remainder = "";
                var id = 'shrinkable' + i;
                remainder = fullText.substring(len, fullText.length);
                shrinkables[i].innerHTML = '<span class="shrinkables">' + trunc + '<span class="hidden" id="' + id + 'Overflow">' + remainder + '</span></span>&nbsp;<a id="' + id + 'MoreLink" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="showMore(\'' + id + '\');"><strong>Read More</strong></a><a class="hidden" style="cursor:pointer;" id="' + id + 'LessLink" onclick="showLess(\'' + id + '\');"><strong>Read Less</strong></a>';


$('body, button').click(function(){
        if($('.shrinkables').length === 0){
    var number = parseInt(data.ele.find('.t-records-button').text());
    data.ele.find('.t-records-button').text(number + ' Observations');

Does anyone have any thoughts on the issue? P.S. this is the only JS I have on the page.

Thanks in advance,