18 page report in a details page?

Hi all

Just looking for advice as to whether I’m going about my app the right way.

My app is basically a very long questionnaire to replace a Word document. Where we currently type a lot of repetitive text, I have worked out dropdowns, autocompletes, etc.

My current understanding is that I will have a page showing a table of reports, with each one having a link to its Details page.

However, I had not envisioned an 18 page report fitting into a details page. Is this the only way I can do things? Maybe there is a way to pass the report ID to the other layout pages, rather than a Details page?

It seems like a lot of other apps are based on outputting a single record, but some of my tables will contain/present numerous records.

I can’t seem to find any guidance on how to do this.

The Word report has sections numbered 1-4, and my plan was to have Tadabase pages numbered 1-4.


Can you provide a copy of the report that doesn’t have any personally identifiable information for us to understand what your end result looks like?

More than likely the way that it’s being set up is probably not most conducive for the end result, and or the inputting. If there’s a lot of repetitive text, one would be able to automate a lot of that with the answers of one question versus multiple questions of the same kind.

Hi @SafetyUniversity, thanks for the reply. It might take me a while but I’ll try to do that now.

By “repetitive”, I mean between the reports, rather than repeated within any one report. Many of our sites/surveys have common characteristics, which I’ve kind of encoded as questions with an array of answers that cover most possibilities.


I think my main issue at this point is how I can pass a report ID between lots of different pages, so as to only pull the records for that report ID.

At the minute I feel like Tada only lets us do that in a details page, but I may be wrong about that?

Need to see what the final word report looks like that you referenced in the first posting.

Hi @tim.young , could you possibly shed some light on this issue for me please?

"How I can pass a report ID between lots of different pages, so as to only pull the records for that report ID.

At the minute I feel like Tada only lets us do that in a details page, but I may be wrong about that?"

For me, it’s easier to shift my paradigm to something I understand better. Let’s consider the following data structure:


Jobs connect to Companies
Tasks connect to Jobs
Tasks connect to Companies

We can start by building an app page to display all of the company records we currently have.

Company A
Company B
Company C

Within Tadabase Data Components, such as Tables or Lists, we can add Detail Links which will automatically create the Detail Page that we need in order to view connected Jobs and connected Tasks per Company.

This is Tadabase at its most simplistic and I suppose in this example, Companies = Reports.

Within the company detail page, I’m free to display any connected or related data sets. If I have groups of connected or related data sets that I wish to display on different detail pages, I could simply add more than 1 detail link to create multiple detail pages and use Link Buttons to navigate between connected pages.

Hopefully this gives you some helpful info, if I’ve completely misunderstood your question - let me know!


Thanks Tim, that makes perfect sense.

So I would create a details page for each section of a report - this would work fine.

Would this be possible in PDF pages?

You may remember my previous post where I was querying whether I can print an 18 page PDF.

I could possibly have a final details page that does contain everything, just for PDF output.

For your PDF, you should include all data in a single PDF Page.

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Thanks Tim!