Accordion Element Javascript on Details page

Hey all,

I am trying to implement the Accordion style in a Details page… The components which I want to show are - component_183 in first

  • component 167 in second
  • component 145 in third.

The walkthrough is listed here: Add a collapsible acco... | Tadabase

The last step contains the following JS:


So I pasted this code:

What am I doing wrong?

Without knowing the specifics, I would say: it doesn’t work with components. You really have to go into the “inspect” of your browser (right click and chose inspect in Google Chrome) and get those x_elements

There is no ID called component_x, you’d need to use the ID like @Peter explained. YOu can do so by inspecting from the app side.

As a side note, with the release of our AI we are adding some more classes and IDs to make elements more targeted.