Add connected to loggedin users' field for filtering of records in dropdowns in forms

My application is turned into multi-tenant.

But I noticed that I can’t filter drop-downs/records for filtering of connections related to a logged-in user’s field.

I consider this not consistent and therefore a bug.

When filtering record for a table you can filter for a logged-in users’ field like here:

@moe @tim.young @Chem


The Tenant is sitting in the purchase order connection and not purchase item connection.

Was this ever resolved? Would also love to be able to filter the connected field drop down options to records connected to the logged in user.

Hi, you should find this filter in the “General” tab, “limit to” option, but to see that working you need that some user connected field must be present in the form, you can include this field in the form but hiding it using a “hide” class in the options of this connected field