Add helpdesk software for only certain roles or pages

Hey @mdykstra!

This can be done using the following steps.

Step 1 - Add the following JavaScript to the Customer Footer Code

Note: Remember to update REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TOKEN with your Freshchat token.

function initFreshChat() {
        token: "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TOKEN",
        host: ""
function initialize(i, t) {
    var e;
    i.getElementById(t) ? initFreshChat() : ((e = i.createElement("script")).id = t, e.async = !0, e.src = "", e.onload = initFreshChat, i.head.appendChild(e))
function initiateCall() {
    initialize(document, "freshchat-js-sdk")

Step 2 - Add the following to the JavaScript section of the Layout or pages you want the widget to appear on.


Bonus - Freschats method for assigning Name and Email


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