Add phone number code with country image

Hey Community
How to add a phone number with its country code using a data builder? How can this be achieved in the data builder?

Here you go, see if this can help you:

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@moe, That’s great. Is there also a possiblity to show a particular country by default? The USA is currently shown on top (by default) and can I change this for instance to a European country like Spain or the Netherlands?


Just add the initialCountry and prefferedCountries, like so:

TB.render('component_3', function(data) {
        /* Text field */
        var inputText = jQuery("input#field53GN6vNzxo");
        const iti = window.intlTelInput(inputText[0], {
            utilsScript: "",
            initialCountry: "gb", // Set your default country code here (e.g., "us" for United States)
            preferredCountries: ["gb", "ca"] // Add preferred country codes here
        var countryCode = '';
        inputText.on("countrychange", function(e) {
            countryCode = iti.getSelectedCountryData().dialCode;
            if(countryCode != undefined){
               inputText.val('+'+countryCode+' ');

Source: GitHub - jackocnr/intl-tel-input: A JavaScript plugin for entering and validating international telephone numbers

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Thanks for the response, it works :slight_smile:

Hi all,

It works for 1 telephone number on a page.
But I have 3 telephone numbers on the page.

So I tripled the code (I thought I was clever), but that didn’t work. Also, ChatGPT was unable to correct my code.

This is the code:

TB.render('component_25', function(data) {
        /* Text field. Change this to the ID of the Text field you're using */
        var inputText = jQuery("input#fieldoaANBGdQ1b");
        var inputText2 = jQuery("input#fieldo6WQb03rnB");
        var inputText3 = jQuery("input#fieldlGArgOOrmR");        
        const iti = window.intlTelInput(inputText[0], {
            utilsScript: "",
            initialCountry: "nl", // Set your default country code here (e.g., "us" for United States)
            preferredCountries: ["nl", "in"] // Add preferred country codes here            
        var countryCode = '';
        inputText.on("countrychange", function(e) {
            countryCode = iti.getSelectedCountryData().dialCode;
            if(countryCode != undefined){
               inputText.val('+'+countryCode+' ');
        inputText2.on("countrychange", function(e) {
            countryCode = iti.getSelectedCountryData().dialCode;
            if(countryCode != undefined){
               inputText2.val('+'+countryCode+' ');  // Corrected line
        inputText3.on("countrychange", function(e) {
            countryCode = iti.getSelectedCountryData().dialCode;
            if(countryCode != undefined){
               inputText3.val('+'+countryCode+' ');  // Corrected line

I think you need to add seperate initialization for each input

TB.render('component_25', function(data) {
        /* Field Text Phone Number  1 start*/
        var inputText = jQuery("input#fieldoaANBGdQ1b");
        const iti = window.intlTelInput(inputText[0], {
            utilsScript: "",
            initialCountry: "gb", // Set your default country code here (e.g., "us" for United States)
            preferredCountries: ["gb", "ca"] // Add preferred country codes here
        var countryCode = '';
        inputText.on("countrychange", function(e) {
            countryCode = iti.getSelectedCountryData().dialCode;
            if(countryCode != undefined){
               inputText.val('+'+countryCode+' ');
        /* Field Text Phone Number  1 end*/
        /* Field Text Phone Number 2 start */
        var inputText2 = jQuery("input#fieldo6WQb03rnB");
        const itiText2 = window.intlTelInput(inputText2[0], {
            utilsScript: "",
            initialCountry: "gb", // Set your default country code here (e.g., "us" for United States)
            preferredCountries: ["gb", "ca"] // Add preferred country codes here
        var countryCode2 = '';
        inputText2.on("countrychange", function(e) {
            countryCode2 = itiText2.getSelectedCountryData().dialCode;
            if(countryCode2 != undefined){
               inputText2.val('+'+countryCode2+' ');
        /* Field Text Phone Number 2 end */
        /* Field Text Phone Number 3 start */
        var inputText3 = jQuery("input#fieldlGArgOOrmR");
        const itiText3 = window.intlTelInput(inputText3[0], {
            utilsScript: "",
            initialCountry: "gb", // Set your default country code here (e.g., "us" for United States)
            preferredCountries: ["gb", "ca"] // Add preferred country codes here
        var countryCode3 = '';
        inputText3.on("countrychange", function(e) {
            countryCode3 = itiText3.getSelectedCountryData().dialCode;
            if(countryCode3 != undefined){
               inputText3.val('+'+countryCode3+' ');
        /* Field Text Phone Number 3 end */

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Alas, that didn’t work for me. Still only the first one shows the country flag.

Another problem I encountered: only use it on the “add pages”.
Edit pages will erase the number if you change the country code.

Here is updated version.

TB.render('component_25', function(data) {
        /* Text field */
        var inputText = jQuery("input#fieldoaANBGdQ1b");
        var inputOption = {
            utilsScript: "",
            initialCountry: "gb", // Set your default country code here (e.g., "us" for United States)
            preferredCountries: ["gb", "ca"] // Add preferred country codes here
        const iti = window.intlTelInput(inputText[0], inputOption);
        function countrychange(e){
            var number = iti.getNumber(),
                dialCode = iti.getSelectedCountryData().dialCode;

            if(dialCode == null){
                var fallbackCountryData = countryData.find(function(country) {
                    return country.iso2 === inputOption.initialCountry;
                initialCountryDialCode = fallbackCountryData ? fallbackCountryData.dialCode : '1';
                dialCode = initialCountryDialCode;
            var hasCountryCode = number.startsWith("+"+ dialCode);
            if(jQuery.trim(number) == ""){
                number = "+" + dialCode;
            } else if(!hasCountryCode) {
                number = "+" + dialCode + number.replace("+", "");
        inputText.on("countrychange keyup", countrychange);
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