Any Tadabase Javascript Gurus open for contract work?

Howdy Tada Community -
With changes in support from Tadabase, I am looking for some reasonably priced assistance in developing Javascript for some applications I am building. If you are open for some work, feel free to DM me on here and we can connect.

Many thanks in advance,

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I’m using Soluntech for an API project. They do a pretty good job, but it’s not speedy or cheap.
It would be awesome to have someone of @Chem or @moe caliber on the Tadabase team that would offer this service for a fee. Please let us know if you find someone!

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Hi @SafetyUniversity I just sent you DM

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Hi Adam,
If you are still on the lookout for someone I would be happy to help you, as I am an experienced Tadabase consultant and what you are wanting done is well within my area of expertise.
You can reach me on
Cheers and Have a great day ahead,