Assign specific date of the month to records

Hi community,

I’m working on this project, where I need after an invoice is generated, divide the payment based on biweekly payments set by the business owner, for example:

  1. The invoice is generated on 05/10/2021, the amount is $100
  2. Business owner gives credit in 4 bi-weeks / $25 each payment
  3. The first payment record must be generated with the date of next 15th of the month (15/10/2021)
  4. The second payment record must be generated with the date of next 30th of the month (30/10/2021)
  5. The third payment record must be generated with the date of next 15th of the next month (15/11/2021)
  6. The fourth payment record must be generated with the date of next 30th of the next month (30/11/2021)

I was able to generate the payment records using Webhooks, but I’m struggling to set the dates on the specific 15th/30th dates of each month,

I’ll appreciate any comments or help on this, thanks!

PD: I made this workflow to illustrate the requirement

Hi @kruizf201,

The key to this type of problem is the Tadabase Date Utilities Pipe in a Table Rule. You can first set a field to the first of the month, then add 15 to it, and then add 30. Then add one month to the field you set to the first of the month, and repeat. Here is a screenshot where I used this concept to set my Txfr In Date to the first of the month.


Thank you so much @Henry, you bring light to the problem, I’ll try this approach on my workflow!

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