thanks megan.
but I no longer have a lot of time, I have already invested years, time and money to study a lot of crm, and pay programs
and lose everything because freelancers are not guaranteed to know how to do a whole crm online, and others do not take the code of others in their hands, etc.
latest discovery was tadabase in january, and for me fantastic.
I have done so many tests,
etcc, and I see it super fast and simple.
I haven’t subscribed yet.
because I have some script code problems to connect to a button of my own creation, for some procedures.
I am looking for a person who knows tadabase, and spends months, days, years, and knows him well,
and he solves some particular code problems for me.
I wrote an example of the date of birth,
but I would need a button, in my table menu, that with a click, I can see this month who is having a birthday.
now without explaining other buttons to do calculations, sums, etc. when I enter the data of an insurance contract.
we’re on the birthday date button,
you can make me a procedure script and i paste it to the button (named filra compelanni) for example. ?
or a short video of your desktop that you make,
this button, and memorize the procedure to filter the month and sort by day?
and send me the video?
and I’ll send you the money, or sooner?
for me this would already be, a lot,
to understand how
connect a function to a button in the menu, either from java script code that I don’t know how to create, or following your instructions that you are more experienced.
when I have solved this button and with click I see the chosen month who is birthday, and I can save, in pdf or print
I would like to create a button that takes the records that I select from the c and c box column, of a table,
and copies them to another identical table of structure fields.
so I avoid entering all the info of a contract twice
- I’ll explain I have a contract table in the diary
these contracts, I select only a few, because I renew them, changing price,
insurance company name, and dates, but many other info, are identical, and therefore the button (named transfer policies) searches in the c and c box column for the selected row of some contracts, copies it all the fields, and opens the 2nd table, creates a new line, and paste all the fields, and content.
return to the first table,
and delete my check in the cel box field, and add the renewal date to the field, ok renewed.
you imagine that on your table you have a pack of contracts to study, and make estimates,
some are archived because lost, I do not conclude with the customer, while others the customer confirms me, the renewal,
so I have to put them on another folder on the table new renewed contracts.
but in reality all the info are inside two identical tables, one contracts to be studied, the other renewed contracts.
and I would like a button that moves them, the ones I select,
this is problem # 2, very important to me. do you have ideas?
should i create a script in java and link to the button?
or do you think I can do without code and follow your instructions or video?
Thank you very much