Change from Picture to Attachements

Picture is depreciated and all files (including pictures) are now attachment fields.

I have an app where I still use pictures, but the upload function is now not working anymore (might be temporary).

I would like to migrate the pictures field to the attachment field and tried to do that with automations.

Is there another way how I could do this?
I appreciate the advice.

There is a way to do this now. I believe there is a pipe for it. I’m out of the office right now but when I return I’ll find you some info on it.

@Peter the pipe is called “Copy Files” Make sure you use field IDs for the “Origin Field ID” and the “Destination Field ID”

Thanks, I tried it 2 times, but it didn’t work for me.
One time with the condition that the target field is blank, and the second time without any condition.

Pipe response is empty.

I have 9500 records, so manual is not an option. Anymore options? Can you check my images below? @SuiteUpstairs

I had an idea: So I exported a subset and then tried to import it in the new field (picture candidate) for testing.
I filtered it to non-blank only, and look: the field is not empty after this. Alas it doesn’t import the link and turn it into the attachment, neither does it show any content.

@moe do you have an idea?

@Peter can you message us at support with links to this so we can test it? Your screenshots look accurate as far as I can tell.