Change no Record Found Message in List Component or alternatively get Dynamic Fields to work in a Custom Component

Hi there,
I have a dynamic field that shows a string depending on another field. I show that string in a list component on a page and ideally I’d like to change the no Record found message to a custom message. I know how to do this with custom components, yet I couldn’t get the dynamic field to work in a custom component. I’m aware I could just get the string from an equation, but I really want to use the Dynamic Field for performance reasons. I’m also aware I could just hide the empty component and show a different one, but I’m trying to go the elegant route here and solve this in one component without fiddling with the DOM.

addressing the Value of Dynamic Fields in Custom Components works like this:


Hi Andreas, there’s a super easy fix for this!

Go to the Options tab in the List component, you can customize the text.

Thank you, I’m aware of that. I meant a different level of customization. It’s a public page it has to blend into the pages design. So I need to customize more than the message itself but also it’s appearance.
I’d actually be more interested in getting Dynamic Fields to work in custom components, since I know how to achieve what I want with that, cause I think there’s no way to change the no record message to my needs.
I’d actually just need to replace it’s CSS-Classes from whatever it is to h3

Ok sure can you add this CSS class to the CSS tab and style it to fit your needs:

.tb-no-record-found {
    background-color: unset;
    border: unset;
    color: white;
    font-weight: 500;
    font-size: 2rem;
    color: #181C32;

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 1.27.36 PM

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