Changing Tadabase Image / Icon

Hi everyone,

How do I remove the Tadabase Image not only from the Main Apps Catalog settings but more importantly, when I save the website on my phone as a bookmark the icon saving on my phone isn’t the Tadabase icon but my own company logo? I’m on a paid subscription so thought it’s supposed to be possible…?

You tried tweaking your settings…?

Hey @aus11 you can add your image URL (hosted on your cloud or directly to your tadabase app) then add it to your custom favicon

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Hey @aus11

There are a few answers here

  1. To change the App Icon in you list of apps, navigate to Settings / General Settings and change the App Icon

  1. To change how your mobile device saves the page as bookmarked item, it will depend on your mobile OS. For iOS, you can paste this code in the Custom Header / Footer Code section of Settings…

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="YOUR_IMAGE_URL_HERE">

For an Android device, I think it just pulls the favicon image, but I’m not 100% sure. For that you can set a custom Favicon in this section of Settings / General Settings.

Thanks you!! I realised it was the wrong link - not the process lol

Really appreciate the reply :slight_smile:

The link I was using was wrong lol

My bad.

Thanks for getting back to me :slight_smile:

Easy fixes are the best!