Column Chart based on Months

I have a column chart to show the values of commission sales per month. To do this i used the date utilites pipe to get the month name from the date field (sale date) and sorted on this, but it sorts the chart alphabetically.

I looked to see if i could get the month number from the date field but that is not an option in the date utilities pipe.

Any ideas on how i could achieve this please?

TB - column chart

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You can do this using an equation field in the data table:

CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT({Date}, “%m”)," - ",MONTHNAME({Date}))

This will format the date to this: 12 - December

appreciate this @SuiteUpstairs and good to know about this feature.

Having a small problem using this. If i choose the equation output as a number, the field is available to choose Group By in the chart setting but orders incorrectly.

If i change the output to Text the field is not available to Group By in the chart settings. I did find a way round it.

  • choose output as Number
  • select the field to group by in chart settings
  • edit the data table field to output by Text.

seems to still work and orders correctly.


Yes, I forgot to mention that last night. I’m glad you were able to figure it out.

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It doesnt let me use the following : (DATE_FORMAT({Date}, “%m”)

Any ideas why or how to work around ?

Hey @SalBan

Is your date field titled “Date”?

If not, please make sure you are using your field names in the examples, between the {} symbols.

CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT({your_field_name}, “%m”)," - ",MONTHNAME({your_field_name}))

Yes my field name is Date and I don’t see why is not letting me save it.

Change your Output Type to “Text” as the output of this equation contains a number + text.

We already tried that and still doesn’t work.

It let us validate: CONCAT(MONTHNAME({Date}))


BUT NOT: (DATE_FORMAT({Date}, “%m”)

Here’s something else you can try…

Remove the quotes and type them back in. Sometimes copying from the community doesn’t paste correctly.