In the custom component, add the following code. Remember to update the URL so that it matches your path. The JavaScript in this section is important. I have labelled what all the fields are.
<h2>{{field_347}}</h2><!-- field_347 is Page Number Display -->
<p>{{{field_352}}}</p><!-- field_352 is Page Content -->
<!-- Previous Page Button -->
{{#is field_348 1}}{{else}}<!-- field_348 is Page Number field -->
<a class="pull-left" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="window.location.href= '{{subtract field_348 1}}';">
Previous Page
<!-- Next Page Button -->
{{#is field_351 "Yes"}}{{else}}<!-- field_351 is Last Page field -->
<a class="pull-right" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="window.location.href= '{{add field_348 1}}';">
Next Page
I have reduced the custom component to the buttons only, so without displaying content but the waiting symbol remains.
I have changed to another layout, thinking it might be inference with a the CSS of the new layouts, but that didn’t help.
If you use a standard list component then it works and the content is shown, but with the custom component added, the loading of the content breaks, but after the content is shown in the list-component above the custom component.
I think there is a problem with the custom component showing richt text fields. Do you know if there is a special way to show rich text? Do you know if there are any issues?
PS with triple moustache and double moustache same result @Kristen
The course viewer solution is great and it is working fine with one table.
But, suppose we have two tables. One is courses table which is master table which contains course title and course description of different courses. The other is Course contents table which is details table which contains connection field, page number, course content, Last page etc.
We would like to have a master page where all the courses are listed and on the click of the details link button, we would like to show the course content pages as shown in the custom component one by one as you suggested.
How could we achieve this using the functionality you suggested for the course viewer?
Hey Khalid, great question! I love how much detail you included - that’s what we need to see here!
Unfortunately it’s also a tricky question that’s beyond my scope. You might want to consult with a partner to help you figure it out - I see @SuiteUpstairs has been playing with this, maybe he can assist?