Display Rules and CSS-Selectors

How do the display rules with CSS-Selectors work? I did exactly like in the docs but I couldn’t get it to work. I want to hide multiple elements in details component when a certain field is set to “Yes”. So I assigned a CSS-Class to these fields and then set the the Display rules to hide these classes. Didn’t work at all. Adressing them individually did work.

Additionally in the docs there’s a sentence that says, hiding css classes is not limited on the specific component but could also be used to hide elements across the whole page. So can I use a detail component to hide some css classes and therefore hide elements on a different component?

Here’s different example with Action Rules I want to hide with different CSS-Classes:

Hi Andreas, sometimes you mention the point before the classes and sometimes you don’t. It is not consistent throughout the platform.

both variants didn’t work

Why are you not using the display rule settings for the Action link?

I do now, but i’d just prefer doing it via CSS-Classes especially since there are multiple things I want to hide and show based on these conditions.

I recommend checking out these 2 videos:

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@moe I learnt alot from both videos. Thank you.