I have need of two different tables, one for initial data importing and another for later data manipulation. When there are new records created on Table A, I need each entire line to populate on Table B. I’m trying to use Tadabase Record Utilities for this, but very little success. Is there a step-by-step for this?
Option 1. You can do this using action button and record rules if you wanted to manually process each record and insert new records into table B from table A.
Option 2. If you know the conditions work well and confident, you can do bulk processing by adding a run ‘Task Button’ component to semi-automate previous step in option 1.
Option 3: fully automate by using scheduled tasks or import templates found under ‘Automation’. I have included a screenshot below of a daily scheduled task which i have running daily which simply takes records from a table and duplicates the records and inserts them into a second table . You may want to think about how you would set the conditions/validation though regarding ‘new records’ only from table A.