Email Question - Input field

Hello, I was wondering how I could put in input field on a page and then trigger the to from this field without pulling from the database. Basically using a onetime variable.

Example I have an email function but I would like the user to specify the to on the page before calling the send to email function.

Hi Gregory, can you clarify what you mean by email function - are you sending an email by an action link within a table record?

@Kristen - thanks for the follow up. So let me explain a little more. Exactly - I would like to send an email via an action link. I would like to have the user input a free text field as for the who to send it.

@Gregorys77 Do you know about this video from Tim. It is about email notifications. Could help you in providing an answer or for some alternative ideas how to achieve what you want to achieve.

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You can do this using a popup edit form, the sendgrid pipe and some record rules. Here is what the table would look like:

Add the sendgrid pipe and insert your sendgrid api.

Add an edit link to the table you have and call it Send Email, make sure to switch it to Popup.

On the edit form page, add the Temp email field and call it whatever you want

On the Record Rules section of the form, add a rule for sending the email:

Then add a rule to set the email field back to blank:

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