Having trouble with grabbing the city from an address field for the weather pipe

Hey Everyone,

I’m having some issues with the weather pipe. When I try and set the city based on the address field {city} I get no response. If I hard code the city using custom value, it works.

This doesn’t work

This Works

Anyone have any ideas?

Hey @SuiteUpstairs

Hope this helps!

p.s. - For anyone that has not used the Tadabase Rest API Pipe before, in the video I say “we don’t have to do anything with the Tadabase Rest API Pipe”. Just want to clarify that you DO need to copy over your App ID, Key, & Secret to the General Parameters tab for that Pipe to work.

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Thanks @tim.young! I’ll give that a try in the morning. It looks like that should work for me. Cheers!

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