How to take advantage of Pipes and Automation!

Hello folks!

Soluntech has some hacks when using Tadabase’s integration system. We have two options, create the pipe from scratch or use built-in Tadabase Pipes.

  1. Select install pipes
  2. Select the API Call you need
  3. Add Pipe
  4. Add input parameters to your preferred API
  5. Set a value
  6. Save and test your automation

Step 1: Select install pipes
First, we will use Tadabase Pipes.

For this example, we will use:

Step 2: Select the API Call you need
In this example, we will use “Filtering by multiple conditions” API call.

Now, go to Automation > Add new
Interfaz de usuario gráfica Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza baja

Select your data table and task frequency.

Step 3: Add Pipe
Click on Add Pipe:

Step 4: Add input parameters to your preferred API
Select your preferred API call and then add input parameters:

Step 5: Set a value
We are going to set a value, this step is mandatory since Tadabase will not trigger the Pipe if there is no value to set, if you don’t have any field to update you can always create a blank field:

Step 6: Save and test your automation
Then click on save and you can test your Automation by clicking on the “run task” button.