Login redirect to intended page

Hey everyone, I think that I have written Javascript to get page redirection to the intended page after login working properly.

I have attached the code below and would like everyone to try it out/ review it for improvements. If anyone knows of a way that the JavaScript can be run on the layout/page side BEFORE Tadabase redirects from the intended URL to the login page, I believe that the default page security settings could stay on. This would be ideal but I could not figure out a way to capture the inbound URL or add JavaScript to the redirecting screen.

Layout Setup/ Settings

  • Change layout and page security to “anyone, no login required”
  • Remove login redirect rules
  • Remove page rules that redirect users
  • If this is not done, the Javascript does not run.

Layout Code
This code needs to be placed on all of your layouts. Make sure to set which roles should be allowed to enter the page using the “allowed” list.

var userToken = TB.getUserToken();

// Store the url attempt to the session
sessionStorage.setItem('packredirectTo', window.location.href);

if (!userToken) {

    // Hide all components on the page
    for (let i = 1; i < 50; i++) {
    // Redirect to the login page
    window.location.href = '/login';

// Delete stored URL from storage on login
if (userToken.length > 0) {

// Security
const role = "{loggedInUser.Role}";
const allowed = ["Contractor", "Student", "Staff"]

if (allowed.includes(role)) {
    // Role is allowed
    console.log(`Script Finished`);
} else {
    // Role is not allowed
    window.location.href = '/login';
/* END Capture the current URL before redirecting to login */

Login Page Code
Place this code on your login page. Make sure to change the component number, roles, and slugs of your default home pages.

If you have component IDs that go above 50, change 50 to your highest ID value. This may be able to be hard coded with a list and a for loop.

/* better redirect */

TB.render('component_4', function() {
    // Get user role
    const role = "{loggedInUser.Role}";
    // Get packed redirect URL
    const redirectTo = sessionStorage.getItem('packredirectTo')
    // If the user has a role, handle the redirection
    if (role.length > 0) {
        const storedRedirectTo = sessionStorage.getItem('packredirectTo');
        // Hide all components on the page
        for (let i = 1; i < 50; i++) {

        if (storedRedirectTo) {
            window.location.href = storedRedirectTo;
        //If there was not an attempt to reach another page, redirect to default page based on the role
        } else {
            console.log("No valid stored redirect, redirecting to success page");
            // define role
            if (role == "Staff"){
            // define slug
                window.location.href = '/staff-home';
            if (role == "Student"){
                window.location.href = '/student-home';

            } else {
                console.log("User has no role, no redirection performed");

/* end of better redirect */

Would love @moe 's opinion!

@SWalker, just an inquiry, if you remove all page/layout security wouldn’t this open the app up for possible hacking or other negative consequences when targeting the page address/slug directly?


If someone can beat/remove something from the JavaScript then I would assume so. However, assuming the script remains in place, if someone goes to a page without a user token the script will kick them back out to the login page. The script also loops through all the id numbers on a page in order to hide the page content.

The security question is something that I would like help with! Or, if you know of a way that the JavaScript can be run on the layout/page side BEFORE Tadabase redirects from the intended URL to the login page the default security settings could remain on.

Hi @SWalker -

I would recommend using form redirect rules with custom parameters to a single, unrestricted page, that will have a small piece of javascript to redirect to the correct page. This will allow the redirected page still able to have security assigned.

I will post a follow message with the instructions and video shortly. Its a bit complex but I will try to make it as clear as possible.

The aforementioned solution is due to the expert work by @kruizf201.
