Migrating to a new app

I am migrating to a new app that I built. The old one is built on tadabase but I didnt know how to use anything when i built it and it is a dumpster fire. I have created a new app and know how to export records from the old one into CSV and import into the new one however there are a ton of attachments linked to the old database about 1500. Is it possible to move that form one database to another? Is it something support can do for me or is there a way I dont know about?

Hi Braden, I am not aware of an easy way to do this yourself. I think this is a question for Support. Honestly not sure if they can do it either!

@bradenal like @Kristen said, this might be possible. We’ve never done this in the past that I know of but if you do the following I’ll ask someone to take a look.

Send an email to support with the app ID, Table ID and field ID that contains the attachments. (Make sure support is enabled). Also include the app, table and field ID of the new app you’re migrating to.

Assuming there is a field we can use to match from the old to the new, we might be able to do this. Since likely the IDs of the records will be new and unique we can’t use that so we need to know which unique field in the old table can be used to match the fields in the new table.

I’ll look out for your email at support @ tadabase . io.