Multi Select Update and Filter what is shown on the Filter

I have two issues that I am not sure is possible:

I want to be able to filter the filter. So for instance when I make a table able to be filtered it shows all the fields. I only want to show a few of the fields as some of those fields should only be updated by rules and actions and not by end users.

I want to be able to select multiple lines in a table and have an action button that changes a value for all of them. For instance: I have a table with items for resale. I want the end user to be able to select 5 random items and push the action button “add to order” where it will add those line items to an order and change the the status field of those items to “pending” from “resale”

Sorry if I sound like an idiot, I am still learning. I have a few apps that do a lot but I am now trying to make them much better by adding more “cool features”