Multiple user can access data under 1 Organization/Department/Company

Hi Tadabase Community,

Is it possible to have a multiple user. Meaning, in several account, I can see what the other user had done. I can also access what they created.

Accounts: Admin, User1, User2 and User3.

User1 creates a template, then when User2 logged in, he will be able to use and see the template User1 created, at the same time, User3 and Admin can also see the template, they belong to the same company.

How can I accomplish this. Need help please.

Thank you.

Hey @edison
Here is a Tadabase documentation video that I found; it might be helpful.

I’ll check on it. Thank you.

I’m not sure if it’s mentioned in that video but you should checkout the records feature as this could be really useful to you if you’ve not used that before…

Add this link to allow users or admin to gain access to the user history that you describe…

Hello @edison

I think this might help: you’ll need to create the roles as mentioned by @christopher93. In your case it sounds you’ll need just 2 roles, 1 Admin role and a second role for all others who appear to be End Users. Screenshot below has 2 roles, 1 x Site Admin and 1 x Team Member who belong to same company (Britania Plc).

My approach to defining the relationship between user accounts, role and company is shown in second sceenshot. When new user accounts are created by the admin, the new user is assigned to the same company as the admin. This is done using record rules, table rules and/or data source filters which restricts records displayed in options field presented in the form so that only company specific records are displayed.

Thanks, yes to this :slight_smile:

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