Pivot Tables by columns

Hello once again, apologies for the barrage of questions, I’m racing against the trial period to persuade my boss tadabase will work for us :sweat_smile: Every question Ive asked, tadabase has an answer so hopeful this too is possible.

So, for example company name as row, and monthly totals as columns as below. If I can find a way to get 1 completed, I can sell this to him.

Months as columns

Columns as pivots

Thank you in advance

I think for the Months as columns, you can use the Dynamic Equation field.
For the Columns as pivot, you probably can do using the Pivot component.

Thank you @philipteng, I did try that but the date fields don’t appear in the pivot column options. Its only text or currency that I can select.

Dynamic equation, not sure how it works. I had added one as monthname{field) but when adding as a column in pivot it just displays the month in data records. I need the currency sums from another date column. I must be doing it wrong.

As a sidenote, I managed to achieve this in knack, which I beleive is quite similair to tadabase?

I may be wrong here but I think what you are asking for is bit harder to achieve in Tadabase (than in Excel for example)
I imagine that your records for dates are actual dates not just month/year. When you put this kind of record into Excel pivot column it autosummaries these dates into months or quarters, so that you get 4 or 12 columns and not 365+.

Tadabase won’t do this in Pivot.

What I have ended up doing in this instance is to create 12 new equation fields in my table - one for each month, and create equations that will sum the (revenue?) value for that month for that record. This will result with 12 extra columns in your table, and of course in each record the value will be usually 11 x 0 and 1 with a value.
You can then easily display the table, or pivot it, as you need.

I hope that helps.

NB: This can also be done with Dynamic fields, with some limitations, but these were deployed after I had already set up.

Thanks @mtif , appreciate your time. Couldn’t get that working either unfortunately. I was trying to get pivittable.js involved but ran out of trial time :slight_smile:

Thats a shame.
In my experience with Tadabase there is always a solution, sometimes you just have to approach the problem from a different perspective than you started with - but there is always a solution.