I’ve spent the last few hours reading through many posts about sending emails to more than one person, say from a connection field where many users may be related to something,
it seems this isn’t possible in TB. I am suprised as i can imagine many, like us have a requirement to do this.
So, if this isn’t possible in TB please can i ask how others are accomplishing this? Ideally the solution would allow the email to be identified as sent from the logged in users email address / account.
Hi, I have used the Sendgrid pipe to send 1 email to multiple users. You can check https://docs.tadabase.io/categories/pipes-integrations/article/using-sendgrid-for-emails
The basic email option includes a “mail to” field with multiple email addresses,I mean you can pull a dynamic field with an array of emails to send 1 email to all
I suggest to use a rollup field that joins all the linked emails in a unique array (normally using comma). With that format, Sendgrid is able to use that array as a list of emails.
Has anyone had a solution to this and if so could an example be shown? Really would solve a major block for us at the moment. @richardch372 did you get anywhere in the end?
Support from tadabase has dropped dramatically for me in the last month or so
i dont have a good solution for sending automated emails but where we manually create an email from a list of templates we built, i did build a work around. it’s a 2 part process but it works for us until i get a better solution.
2 extra fields in the emails table
connect each field to the users table for client 1 and client 2
when creating a new email, we choose the 1 or 2 clients to send the email to and then choose the template.
I have been working with Make Integromat for some automations and when i get time i was going to explore Make.
I was looking for this too. I found no solution. The basic shortcoming being that the address to/cc/bcc field always has to be an email field. That’s logical at first glance, but not when you have a distribution list of multiple email addresses.
Its easy to create a rollup list of emails for a distribution list, but you cannot apply it to to the to/cc/bcc fields.
This all the more frustrating, because in the backend of Tadabase the email function supports distribution lists (it will compile them from any separate email fields in your action/automation)… but its not (YET) possible to post an email list directly into the email action.
There are muliple pipe options that will deliver a solution here, but I am still looking for a native solution.
Yes, pipes work, or I’m just using MAKE at the moment to send data to High Level. and using that as a emailer, but its not ideal and a waste of money in my opionion as I have most of the features I need from High Level in my App, and its so much more custom for my business.
The email thing is the one thing holding me back from having an amazing app
Yes I use Make and Zapier for various tasks, but have been trying to bring more parts of (our very complex App) in house - as it were.
Both Make and zapier will allow you to email directly, at small volumes (which is my solution ATM). Large violumes are allways better handled by a dedicated email system like Sendgrid/ Mailchimp etc.
What I have also found is that using Make/Zapier its easier to create a method to set the time/date for specific emails to send - if they are not for immediate distribution.
So I would say solutions exist, they are not hard to build, its a shame they can’t be inhouse
In my attempt at using Make to send a bulk email, to approx. 30 recipients, I can only find the Make Email app which sends one email. The Make scenario is initiated from my tadabase system. Please would you tell me which app you are using in Make for your emailing. Thanks.
You are correct the built in email function within Make will send 1 email at at time and is not intended for Mass emails. But your need for 30 recipients should not be a problem.
How you set it up depends ond the specifics of what you want to send. And you can expect that some degree of manipulation of the data from Tadabase may be required to fulfill the task - these functions are in Make.
If all recipients get the same email then then can all be CC’d on a single email.
If you want all to receive the same, but not see each other, you can BCC them on a single email.
In either of these cases you just need to send the email addresses and content and email title and connect to the email function.
However, I suspect that you want to do more, and that each email may be subtly different.
In which case you send the data to Make and treat it as an Array and use the ‘iterator’ function to break the data down to individual email data sets (address, title, content) - and then connect the email function to the iterator.
Its hard to say more without knowing more of your scenario, or where you hit a brick wall.
I am emailing members personalised event invitations with a link to their individual form on which they can respond. The emails are assembled using Search and Replace. All works well when the email is sent for each member from a form in my system.
My next step is to try to automate this for all members in one step and your suggested approach using the Make ‘iterator’ function may be the solution. I appreciate your help and will investigate further, eg creating the array.