*SOLVED* Save PDF from Link From TDB Rest API Save File from Url


as per previous post I managed to get docuseal.co integrated to tadabase app for esignature. I need to be able to pull the signed PDF document into tadabase.

I have managed to get the URL of the PDF into tadabase with out issue.

I am now using the Tadabase Rest Pipe using the api call “Saving to Field Field

I have tried NUMEROUS settings but have no luck …at this for a few days on/off a this stage. :confounded: :confounded:

Anybody got some advice how to set the settings on this API call

UPDATE: I have played around with PostMan (for testing API calls) and I’d say I definitely need to be using a Update record call of some sort as the call above
creates a new record.

Still haven’t figure out how to trigger a file upload from an url though :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

tks Noel

I go this working finally … if anybody needs more info let me know.

NB the field that contains the target URL should be a TEXT field not Link field

in brief you need to use UPDATE record functionality

Screenshots of config screens for pipe



The request needs to be set as below … a bit peculiar as the field that is to contain the finally loaded pdf is entered twice as per below


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