Tuesdays with Tadabase - April 18th 2023

:receipt: :moneybag: Mid-April means Tax day has arrived and we’re paying our dues by bringing you this week’s update! Here’s what the team has been up to:

:toolbox: :gear: Our engineers have been hard at work and we are ready to share that we’re finally LIVE with some exciting performance improvements! Thanks to our advanced caching, we are seeing remarkable results in our testing, with larger apps experiencing up to 4000% improvement in certain parts of the app. Wowza :exploding_head:

:point_right: If you want to see these results for yourself, send us your app ID and we will enable it for you to test.

:warning: It’s important to note that while we are thrilled with the performance improvements we’ve seen so far, this is still a work in progress. The improvements we’re seeing will vary depending on the use case, and we are continuing to work hard to optimize and refine our caching system. That said, we are excited to offer this new feature to our users and look forward to seeing how it can benefit your app’s performance. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions as we work to make Tadabase even better! :muscle: :trophy:

:school_satchel: We’re back with a new Build it with Tim this week! In this episode, we’ll learn how to integrate with Sparklite.io, using Pipes, to process equations and other calculations externally. Doing this allows you to leverage and retain all your equations and processes of your spreadsheet while creating and building your Tadabase app! Tim said it best, the possibilities are endless. This is definitely a must watch episode, so check it out!

:scissors: Snippet of the week:

Order up! :bellhop_bell: Here’s the snippet to use so that you can add multiple products from a particular supplier to an order. Snip it here!

:atm: We’re cashing out on this one, folks. Happy building and see you next week! :balloon: