Tuesdays with Tadabase - April 2nd 2024

:speech_balloon: :door: April has entered the chat and our team is feeling invigorated with all the goodies we have in store. Let’s scroll :wheel::

:toolbox: Our engineers are:

  • Continuing work on the password and user login improvements, stay tuned as we are going live in 1-2 weeks. :closed_lock_with_key:

  • :straight_ruler: Creating a new capability to add plugins on the layout level, this will help with implementing code similar to the Collapsible Menu Plugin on the layout level.

  • Updates to Webhook Catcher so you can opt in to receive a daily report of that days webhook statuses :hook: :point_down:

:electric_plug: We’ve added a new plugin to collapse a vertical menu and show the associated menus icons. This, together with the ability to add code to layout pages, will be live shortly.

:file_folder: Last, but certainly not least, we’re making some improvements to PDF Forms with the ability to set spacing in field values to make a value fit into a specific form, for example, a social security number into the 9 boxes of a PDF.

:jigsaw: Plugin of the week:

New Plugin! Form Step Blocker for Required Field Validation to show errors and restrict going to the next step when required fields aren’t filled in a Multi Step Form. More on this plugin here.

:candy: That’s a wrap on this one, Tadabasers. Happy building and tune in for next week’s update! :notes: