Tuesdays with Tadabase - August 13th 2024

:parasol_on_ground: :sunny:Mid August is around the corner and our team is letting the sunshine in with this update! Let’s take a whirl:

:clapper: Coming very very soon - SSO with Azure/Microsoft.

:toolbox: Our engineers have pulled out the toolbox and added some pipes:

  • Added new pipes to copy files! -You can now give the Pipe the old record file field and the new one, and one-by-one each file will be copied to the new location.

  • Email Domain verification Pipe - as requested from this community post, users can now add a mechanism to validate if the email being used in the signup form is part of an allowed list. This is a native feature in Tadabase, but with this pipe, you can limit this feature to only apply to a specific form or signup component.

:jigsaw: New plugin:

New plugin based on Adam’s post in the community: Confirmation Prompt on Form Submit plugin. This plugin adds a confirmation prompt to form submissions, ensuring user intent before proceeding. Read more on this plugin here.

:hook: Security features for webhooks

New features to add signatures and custom security headers into Webhooks. This will enable you to ensure the webhooks being sent to our system has a security mechanism to validate that the webhooks are authorized.

:bug: Bug fixes, including:

  • Fixed issue with import Rules Custom Value input not showing (DEV-7387).
  • Fixed issue with Tadabase API → Save multiple attachments with URL (DEV-7391).

For a full list, see our release notes.

:end: That’s everything for this week, Tadabasers. Happy building and see you on Tuesday! :rocket:

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