Tuesdays with Tadabase - Jan. 24th 2023

It’s the most exciting day of the week - TUESDAY is here! Here’s the lowdown on what our team has been up to this week, strap in! :seat:

Task Updates :clipboard:
We’ve moved several updates on running tasks to the top of our to-do list and have made great progress that we’re excited to share! Over the next 24 hours, we will be publishing a full list of updates on what’s changed and what else is coming.

Most of the changes we’re making are on the infrastructure side. We’re confident that these updates will help us and you feel more secure when relying on tasks to be as operational and reliable as possible.

Keep your eyes peeled for an update in the community for more on this. :eyes:

:flashlight: Truly out-doing himself this week, Tim posted 6 (!!) new Feature Spotlight videos. These include: App Themes, Form URL Parameters, Multi-Step Forms, Stripe Checkout, User Security, and Connected Field Values. Under 3 minutes each, they are definitely worth the watch!

:school_satchel: Oh, Tim didn’t stop there! We present another riveting Build it with Tim episode. This week, we’re learning how to create a Multi-tenanted Family Planner app using connection fields and data source filtering. Check. It. Out.

Ask and you shall receive! A community member requested a way to drag-and-drop the order of records within a table inside an app. Moe was able to implement this in no time. Watch the full video explanation and snip the code here! :bellhop_bell:

:zap: We’ve added even more Quick Start Wizard features with page generation to our onboarding! Selecting the 'lightning’:zap: features in the Quick Start Wizard will create apps that are ready to go. Some industries we’ve added to are: Non-profit, Education, Project Management, Kitchen install, and Real-estate. Click here for the full list of apps we’ve added so far!

:tv: We’ve created a Pipedrive demo! We’re showing you step-by-step how to set up this pipe in your app today - all in under 6 minutes. Watch the demo here! You can also read more about this pipe here.

:scissors: Snippet of the Week:

Quick and Easy PDF Preview! It can be helpful in many cases to have a page within your app to preview the PDF; follow the following steps to complete this setup.

That’s a wrap on this one, folks. Same time next week! :magic_wand: