Tuesdays with Tadabase - January 23rd 2024

:tornado: :eagle: It’s the last Tuesday of January and this month may be flying but our team is soaring ahead. Let’s dive into the the details

:toolbox: Our engineers have been tinkering away (as always) and have added 4 (!!) new plugins! :jigsaw:

:bug: They have also squashed some pesky bugs including fixing an issue with IP addresses not showing the proper value in user login logs.

:wrench: Of course, we also love to optimize and improve things. This week, we’ve successfully drastically improved loading speeds and have added new Domain improvements. We’ll explain more on what this means soon!

:earth_asia: We’ve got an exciting announcement that we’re going global (woohoo!). Meaning, we’re adding data centers around the world. We will have our first data center in the EU/Frankfurt Germany region starting February, then Australia, Canada and Israel. There may be a fee associated with hosting the apps there we will provide all the details as soon as we know!

:mortar_board: Ready for another Tadabase Blueprint video? Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel, and turn on notifications so you don’t miss the next installment - coming Friday.

:jigsaw: Plugin of the week:

In a globalized world, presenting dates and times in the user’s local time zone enhances the user experience. The ‘Time zone Conversion’ plugin automates this process, ensuring that timestamps in your application are displayed in the user’s preferred time zone. More on this plugin here.

:checkered_flag:That’s everything for this week, Tadabasers. Happy building and see you on Tuesday! :flight_departure:


How to setup the hosting for Canada based servers? I can’t find any documentation about this.