Tuesdays with Tadabase - July 11th 2023

:sunny: :parasol_on_ground: The Mid-July sun is beating down and the summer rays have our team feeling energized. Let’s shed some light on what we’ve been up to:

:toolbox: Our engineers have enlightened us with–

  • Several bug fixes, woohoo! For the details, check out our (Release Notes | Tadabase) :bug:
  • Connected pages can now be viewed in a popup. Yay!

Most exciting of all - Drum roll, please :drum: :drum:

:bangbang: We’re thrilled to announce that Plugins are here! Watch the magic of this new powerful feature unfold in the video below- you won’t believe your :eyes:

:ballot_box: We’ve also added a plugin suggestion box here to add a new suggestion or up-vote another user’s idea.

:coffee: We’ve got lots brewing behind the scenes at the moment. We’re working on a few big updates which will be released soon, including:

  • :email: Email Templates - Create beautiful emails and set the placeholder values dynamically.
  • Multi-domain apps - this will give an app ability to have multiple domains each with their own set of settings depending on the domain being accessed.
  • :floppy_disk: Load External Data - Easily load external data sources from APIs into a custom component
  • Fully customizable HTML layout - this will help you utilize advanced layouts and designs for your app.

We’ll keep you updated on our progess and will be rolling these out slowly in the coming weeks/months. As always, stay tuned! :notes:

:school_satchel: We have a new Build it with Tim episode! This week, Tim is demonstrating how to build an events registration app where attendees can sign up while registration is open and spots are available. Check it out!

:jigsaw: Plugin of the Week:

Prevent confusion and keep your app looking slick by including a “show more” option to limit the amount of text that is displayed within a table. Just plug this plugin and you’re all set! Learn more here.

:city_sunset: :sparkles: Sun’s setting on this one, Tadabasers. Time to cool off and charge up for next time. Happy building and see you next week! :battery: