Tuesdays with Tadabase- July 18th 2023

:boxing_glove: :fire: The July heat has our team fired up and ready to rumble. Let’s join our team in the ring and see what knock-outs we’ve made this week.

:toolbox: Our engineers threw some strong punches this week: :facepunch:

  • We’re ready to roll out the Multi-domain add-on! One app can now have multiple domains, each with its own unique settings. If you’re interested in testing this new feature, let us know and we’ll enable this in your app soon. #victory :trophy:

  • We’ve been making great progress with being able to dynamically pull and display external data in the app. More on this coming :soon:.

  • Made small but significant tweaks in adding active classes to the menu on the app side. If you’re on an existing page, the menu will be highlighted just as you’d expect: :point_down:

  • :hook: Added optimization to outgoing webhooks for better reliability. Woohoo!

:bug: We’ve squashed some bugs this week including copying a layout component and filtering based on connection to page. See the complete list in our release notes.

:school_satchel: Wait! We’re not done taking names this week. We’ve got a new Build it with Tim episode! This time, we’re learning how to build in-app discount codes for Stripe payments. Tim breaks down the process of how to implement and utilize this handy feature that can streamline your payment workflow. Check it out

:jigsaw: Plugin of the week:

Export multiple data tables at once. With this plugin, users can effortlessly export data from 2 different Table Components into a single Excel file. Each Table Component will be saved into its own sheet within the Excel file. Read more here!

:bell: Final bell’s ringing on this one, Tadabasers. Happy building and see you in the next round! :zap: