Tuesdays with Tadabase - July 25th 2023

:ice_cube: :milk_glass:What better way to beat the summer heat than with this refreshing Tuesday update. Here’s how our team is quenching your thirst and bidding the last Tuesday of July farewell :wave:

:brick: Starting with the foundations. We all start somewhere and that’s why we’re excited to share our new “back-to-basics” section of our knowledge center that we’re calling: App Basics! This will provide users with a foundational understanding of building and using an app to its fullest potential by utilizing the tools and features provided. For both users new and seasoned, we recommend taking a second to refresh with us!

:toolbox: Our engineers have dived in and published many new plugins this week! We’ll be highlighting each one individually in a Plugin of the Week but if you want a sneak peak, you can check them out here. Woohooo!

:desktop_computer: Multi-domain apps are live including a new advanced capability allowing users to create overrides for resources and app variables to be dependent on the domain. More on this coming :soon:.

We’ve also made even more great progress on our new integrations platform that will enable users to dynamically and natively pull and display external data in their app. We’ll tell you more next week :hourglass_flowing_sand:

:bug: We’ve also squashed some more bugs as we don’t like when they’re crawling around. These include a bug in our PDF forms and with customer IDs in stripe payments. For the details, check out our release notes.

:school_satchel: Another week, another new Build it with Tim episode! This week, we’re exploring how to automate your notification emails. We’re achieving this in four easy steps and by utilizing features like: table rules, pipes and scheduled tasks. Check out the video below and watch it all unfold! :point_down:

:jigsaw: Plugin of the Week:

What’s more motivating than seeing progress happen before your eyes? That’s why we’ve added 5 new style options to our progress bar plugin! Learn more about this plugin here. Take a look at some of the new styles we’ve added below:

:white_check_mark: That’s a wrap on this one, Tadabasers. Happy building and see you next week so we can welcome in August together! :dark_sunglasses: