Tuesdays with Tadabase - June 11th 2024

:mega: :wave: Hello and welcome back to another update! Gather round and take a seat, we’ve got lots of things to catch up on, let’s get to it:

:toolbox: We’re implementing the feedback we’ve been receiving from our survey and are thrilled to share the progress we’ve made so far.

We’re updating our entire layouts feature to enable a more user friendly and design friendly interface.

We’ll be starting with 5 brand new layout styles each with a dozen or so color palettes.

Checkout a few samples here: :point_down:

:exclamation: In addition to the design options, we’ve completely overhauled the menus and user access controls allowing granular permission setting on a menu item level.

We look forward to having this fully launched by next week’s update, so as always, stay tuned! :notes:

:bug: We’ve squashed some bugs, including:

  • Fixed issue with page rules not saving
  • Fixed issue with phone fields
  • Fixed issue with new records added inline in forms not showing up

:electric_plug: Better Plugin Installation:

We’re also implementing an update for the plugin installation so plugins that depend on a Pipe can be more easily installed. This will be especially useful for the ChatGPT plugin we’re releasing soon.

:art: New PDF themes:

That’s not all, folks! We’re also launching several new PDF Themes. Here’s a sneak peak :eyes::


:jigsaw: Plugin of the week:

Need to make your own announcements? Don’t fret, just use the Announcement Banner plugin.

Invite users to explore Tadabase’s capabilities with a call-to-action button for further exploration. Users can dismiss the banner, with preferences saved for subsequent visits. Read more on this plugin here!

:performing_arts: Show’s over for this week, Tadabasers. Happy building and see you on Tuesday! :end:


Bravo on the new layout features and the granular menu options. I look forward to working with the new features ASAP.



That first new template is :fire:! Can’t wait to check it out.

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