Tuesdays with Tadabase - June 20th 2023

:studio_microphone: :loudspeaker: 3…2…1…Aand welcome back to another Tuesdays with Tadabase! We’re in for a good one this week so settle in and giddy up. Here’s a peek into what the team’s been up to:

:toolbox: We’ve been rolling on the engineering side of things, so without further ado–

:cloud: The first order of business is that we’ve made massive improvements to our servers! With the recent famous downage of AWS in the primary region we use (which likely didn’t impact us), we’ve decided to continue doubling down on our infrastructure and have made serious improvements to our architecture by adding additional availability zones, more redundancy, and even now have many of our servers on Google Cloud. While we are not yet fully multi-cloud, we intend on being able to hit a switch and be able to failover into GCP or Azure very easily if ever necessary. Woohoo! :muscle:

:electric_plug: We’ve also been continuously working on Plugins. As mentioned in the past, plugins will enable you to install advanced functionality with the click of a button.

Here’s a short teaser video:

:firecracker: We’ve got a few users testing our dynamic field options. This week we’ve fixed many issues and are that much closer to rolling this out in production! YAY.

:bug: And of course, we’ve also fixed some pesky bugs (shoo, now!) These include the issue with webhook catcher converting long numbers to scientific notation and the PDF forms showing up blank. For the full list of bug fixes, check out our release notes.

:sunrise: On the horizon we’ve got keyboard shortcuts to share! Stay tuned. :notes:

:school_satchel: Tim has returned to the lime-light with another video! He’ll be sharing the scoop on Dynamic fields in this feature spotlight video. Check it out here!

:scissors: Snippet of the week*:

You know what your app may need? A button anywhere on the page that opens a popup. Well, good thing we got the snippet that has you covered. Read more and snip the code here!

*Also, we’re pleased to share that snippet of the week will soon become Plugin of the week as we are converting our snippet library into plugins to make implementing snippets that much easier. Yay to no-code!

We’re wrapping up this one here, Tadabasers. Happy building and see you next week! :palm_down_hand: :microphone: