Tuesdays with Tadabase - March 28th 2023

:sunny: :pill: This month is closing out, the sun is shining, and our team is definitely feeling the extra boost of vitamin D(atabase) flowing through our system! Here’s what we’ve been up to:

:toolbox: For our fabulous engineers, optimization is the name of the game this week :bowling:. They have been running countless tests to further stabilize and improve our platform and focused on reducing load times, errors and performance hiccups to create the most seamless user experience. While not so easy to see from the outside, they’re doing the important internal work that truly sets Tadabase apart. Keep up the work, team! :muscle:

:chess_pawn: :bug:Our engineers have also said “check-mate” to a few bugs in PDF pages 2.0. For a complete list, see our release notes here.

:school_satchel: You guessed it - we have a new Build it with Tim episode! This week, Tim’s building a dynamic tracker for Youtube views & likes. We’re learning how to create a custom pipe to send requests to the Youtube API, and building the page to show the data retrieved. Woohooooo!


:scissors: Snippet of the week:

Customize the language of your Tadabase charts with this snippet! With a little helpful Javascript, your chart becomes as unique as you are. Check it out!

That’s all for now, Tadabasers. Happy building and see you next week! :rocket: