Tuesdays with Tadabase - May 23rd 2023

:flying_saucer: :tornado: We’re zipping through May and leaving a trail of incredible updates in our wake. Here’s what the team has been spinnin’ up this week:

:tada: We’re super excited about the Pages/Users API which is now live and can enable your users to login to your app via the API. If you’re building a native app with data from a Tadabase app, this is a must. Let us know if you’d like to test it. You can read more on this here!

:toolbox: Our engineers have put the finishing touches on the new API to JSON pipe. This allows users to trigger an API call that will convert the response to a static File JSON, which can then be saved back to your app. Yep, that’s cool.

:end: We’ve also added a New Status endpoint for API so you can see the status of your API key and the throttling limits. Check out the Endpoint here.

:cook: Here’s a taste of what’s cooking: filtering by connected values in search and data source. This will enable you to search a child record based on the value from the parent record. For example, find all Jobs but only if the assigned to User is “Inactive.” More on this coming next week :crystal_ball:

:interrobang: :thought_balloon: A very common question that arises when our partners are offering Tadabase solutions is Why use no code vs a developer. Moe (our CEO) shared a blog post on this including the common objections to no code, his responses and why Tadabase checks all the boxes. Read more here! :white_check_mark:

:school_satchel: Let’s revisit a Build it With Tim episode! This one is all about the Barcode scanner. Tim demonstrates how to use this feature and also shows a few methods you can utilize this in a more advanced way to really streamline your workflow. Learn it all in 15 minutes- Check it out!

:scissors: Snippet of the Week:

Scissors out, we’re snipping some code so we can Change a button based on a record value! Achieve this all in one easy step - here are the details!

:fountain_pen: Signing off on this one, Tadabasers. Happy building & mark your calendars, we’ll catch you again next week! :zap: