Tuesdays with Tadabase - May 28th 2024

:gift: :raised_hands: We’re wrapping up this month with another fantastic update from the team. Let’s jump to it–

:toolbox: Our engineers:

:wrench: New and updated pipe alert!

We’ve added a new pipe that enables you to duplicate a record as well as update certain values. This can work even when duplicating a parent record and children connected to it.

As an example, if you have a task template that when duplicated you want to ensure the status is updated to something unique, this pipe can help you do so.

:bug: We’ve fixed some pesky bugs including:

  • Fixed Issue with ‘related’ records still showing when the parent record were already deleted (DEV-7102)
  • Removed option for default fields like Created At and Auto Increment to be used in equation fields (DEV-7103)

:mortar_board: Announcing- drum roll :drum: :drum:- the pipes academy! This video series is an introduction to Tadabase Pipes, covering the basics of what Pipes are, and how to use them.

This course will give you:

  • Hands-on experience in setting up both pre-built and custom Pipes in Tadabase.
  • Learn to effectively use Pipes to trigger under various scenarios, handle API responses effectively, and apply these skills in real-world situations.
  • Gain confidence in creating reliable and efficient integrations with external services using Pipes.

:point_right: :point_right: Check it out! :point_left: :point_left:

:mega: Survey feedback:

Thanks to everyone who took the time to fill out our survey! As you will see in the coming weeks, we truly listen and read each and every response.

:arrow_forward: :arrow_forward: If you haven’t filled out our survey yet, please take the time to do so here as your feedback is truly invaluable.

:jigsaw: Plugin of the week:

New! Auto Select First Connection Value plugin. Enhance user experience by automating the selection of the initial value in a dropdown menu. Read more on this plugin here!

:end: That’s all for this week, Tadabasers. Happy building and see you on Tuesday! :dizzy:


Super news on the academy videos
Well done guys