While November may be ebbing away, our team isn’t going anywhere and has pulled out all the stops this week . Here’s the exclusive:
In addition to adding new pipes, our wonderful engineers have been adding many helpful resources and informative videos, so our users can easily wield the full power of our pipes. This week they have:
- Added documentation and a demo video for the Taxjar Pipe which allows users to calculate the amount of sales tax for an order. Tax compliance done easier? Sign me up!
Added documentation on the Google Sheets Pipe. This pipe lets you create and edit your Google Sheets spreadsheets directly in your Tadabase App. Oh ya!
- The Google Drive Pipe has a new API called Upload a File from a URL which uploads files to your Google Drive. Wow.
- The Twitter Pipe has a new API call to Send a Tweet with an Image which sends tweets with both text and image. Yess.
Looking to show certain components based on which step on a form is selected? Chem created a great video response to explain this. Watch the video and snip the code. Yay!
Snippet of the week:
Scissors ready? Here’s the snippet for Link highlighting without underline. Check it out!
We’ve also squashed a few bugs this week, see which ones here.
No Build it with Tim? Have no fear! He merely took a week off for the holiday celebrations and will be back next time!
Coming soon (in active dev):
Behind the curtain, we’ve been pushing to complete our onboarding templates which should be unveiled very soon. We’re also working on:
Design themes for PDFs and Charts (which are looking great so far!)
Ability to add multiple series into a single bar, line and area charts
Fixes in PDFs with some new functionality
Several AWS pipes, with ability to upload files to S3 from a pipe (and much more).
Au Revoir on this one, folks. Happy building and see you next week!