Tuesdays with Tadabase - Nov. 8th 2022

With an extra hour gained, our team has delivered even more awesomeness for this week’s update! Here’s the scoop on what we’ve been up to.

:fountain_pen: Lately, we’ve been speaking to members of our community on how Tadabase has transformed their businesses. Some members have generously volunteered their time to participate in case studies. We’ll be rolling these out periodically and we’re ecstatic to share our first one on the Queensland Justice Association. This organization provides professional membership services for over 6,000 (!!) Justices of the Peace throughout Queensland, Australia – all running solely on Tadabase. It’s a short article, so give it a skim!

Want to add the Google Docs pipe to your app? We got you. Watch this week’s Build it with Tim where Tim dives into How to create dynamic Google Docs from your app data. Use this in order to copy a template Doc, automatically populate it, and then share the Doc with an email address. Wowza. :school_satchel:

:wrench: And back to our incredible “plumbers” who have again pulled out the toolbox for us. They have updated the Tadabase Rest API Pipe to reflect the latest Pipe Improvements so that it’s easier to install and get started:

  • You can now select your API key from the dropdown when you install it. Yay!
  • Date values can be entered in any format (shout out to our international users)
  • Default values and help text have been added wherever necessary. Niice.

Only got a minute? We’re shining a spotlight on our new Record Tracking feature! In this video, Tim shows us how we can use this feature to log record changes and deletes in just 1:43 seconds. Check. It. Out. :flashlight:

:mailbox_with_mail: Ever wondered how to set up input masks for inline edits? Look no further! Chem shares all the tricks in a video response to a member’s community post. Watch his video and snip the code here.

Snippet of the week: :scissors:

Speaking of snippets, learn how to save an IP Address of Logged in User to the Record! This snippet includes step-by-step instructions on how to do this! YES.

Lights off on this one, Tadabasers. Happy building and see ya next week! :checkered_flag: