Tuesdays with Tadabase - November 19th 2024

:mirror_ball: :confetti_ball: The holiday spirit is thick in the air and while we’re all dusting off our cook books and polishing our silverware, our team is honing their creative energies towards bringing us this update. Let’s tuck in!

:1234: New Equations are now live. To test this, update your field to use the new equation by editing the field and setting the “Use our latest optimized equation model” option to “Yes.” You will see very significant improvements when creating and editing records. We recommend tackling first the slowest fields in your app by checking out the equation logs page.

:toolbox: Our engineers have added:

:information_source: App Details

We’re working on an exciting new feature which will help users see details about each field and feature to track where and how it’s being used. For example, users will be able to select a field and see all the places it’s being viewed and updated.

This will include: filters, email body, conditions, and more. So that prior to deleting or changing a field, Users will have the confidence to know it won’t break any existing functionality.

This is especially useful because as apps get bigger, tracking a field’s usage becomes a challenge and this will help solve that. Users will also be able to see lists of all event types (like emails, action links & PDFs) that are configured throughout their app.

:clipboard: PDF Forms:

Rolling out soon: ability to change an existing PDF in PDF Forms.

:bug: Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue in pipe debug - see why a pipe failed when debug mode is enabled.
  • Fixed issue with logged in connection value in JS. When using LoggedIn values in Javascript they were showing up as blank, this is now resolved.
  • Fixed several issues with date values in PDF Forms.

For a full list of fixes, see our release notes.

:wood: Improved equation logs reports:

  • Can now view the type of fields in each log.
  • Click to go to that specific table.
  • Ability to purge equation logs.

:bell: That’s the bell, Tadabasers. Happy building and see you next week! :turkey:


I don’t see the Equation Logs. Do I need to turn something on?

At the moment, this option does not work for me. I keep updating manually.
