Tuesdays with Tadabase - November 28th 2023

:arrow_right::snowflake: While November is closing out and with winter on the horizon, our team is firing on all cylinders and ready to rumble. Let’s see what they’ve delivered this week:

:toolbox: Our engineers have been tinkering away and have got some exciting updates:

:compass: We’re adding a navigation bar ‘QuickNav’ to the builder to make app building just that much simpler!
By selecting CTRL+K you’ll be able to open a navigation bar to easily search and find any tool or shortcut in the builder.

Here’s a peek into what this looks like :point_down:.

:bridge_at_night: We’re also adding a new DataBridge integration! Your Bamboo HR data can now be available straight from your Tadabase app. Woohoo!

:clapper: Behind the Scenes:

We’ve got a few things up our sleeve!

First off, we’re thrilled to share that we’ll be launching a Tadabase certification program in the coming weeks! This will provide full training videos, quizzes and materials to become a Tadabase pro. We’ll share more on this and the perks of getting certified soon! :mortar_board:

Our builder UI is also being actively developed and moving along great.

:school_satchel: Tim’s back with a new Build it with Tim! This episode is on custom tooltips using Tippy.js. Boost engagement, enhance usability, and make your app truly unforgettable. Check out the video to learn more :point_down:

:jigsaw: Plugin of the Week:

Streamline creating a new record based on current values using the new copy detail component into new form values plugin!

:end: Closing time has arrived. Happy building, Tadabasers. See you next week! :rocket: