Tuesdays with Tadabase - November 7th 2023

:mantelpiece_clock: :hourglass_flowing_sand: An hour gained means an extra hour of awesomeness dished out by our team. Let’s see how we’ve taken advantage of the extra time:

:toolbox: Our engineers have officially rolled out the Equation logs update! Woohoo!

:heavy_equals_sign: Equations are among the most powerful features for an app, but they can often lead to increased lag when saving forms. That’s why we’re excited to share our new Equation Logging to assist in understanding the impact of each equation and to provide reports on the equations that are causing the most lag.

Users will now have access to a dashboard within application logs that displays all processed equations and highlights the top 10 slowest equations:

Additionally, when looking at any equation field, users can see the most recent equations that were run and how long they each took. Simply click on the Log button to view the full list.

You will see the logs for this specific equation:

:bug: We’ve also fixed multiple bugs in Databridge as is being reported by over 72 testers. Special thanks to all of you for your help. (While in beta, bug fixes are not being published in the release notes at this time).

:clapper: Behind the scenes:

  • We’re actively developing many new Databridge integrations and we are psyched with the awesome feedback we’ve been receiving. :bridge_at_night:

  • :hammer: We’re almost ready to go live with our latest builder and you’ll be able to test it soon by switching between the new and old designs as you see fit. Here’s a sneak peek and what’s coming (Ooohlala): :point_down:

:school_satchel: Another week, another Build it with Tim. This week, we’re “falling back” and revisiting a video on How do I build a proposal or quote system. Learn how to build dynamic and professional proposals, quotes, or contracts to collect digital signatures using: The Page Builder, PDF Pages and Signature Field. Check it out!

:jigsaw: Plugin of the Week:

Convenience is key :key: when encouraging users/customers to communicate through an app instead of by phone call/messaging. That’s why we’ve introduced this plugin to Format Attachments as Audio Player. This way, users can easily attach a voice-note or audio recording to a field for added requests or context. Read more on this plugin here!

:timer_clock: Time’s up on this one, Tadabasers. Happy building and see ya on Tuesday! :brick: