Tuesdays with Tadabase (on a Wednesday) - June 19th 2024

:sunny: :fire: As the summer solstice is fast approaching, our team is burning through the extra daylight bringing you this sunny update. Let’s take a peek:

:toolbox: Our engineers have been all about design this week:

:paintbrush: :framed_picture: As we discussed in prior updates, your feedback is being implemented starting with better layouts. As the first step of making Tadabase more aesthetic, we’re very excited to announce our new Layout Builder designed to simplify and beautify the layouts of your apps.

:video_camera: Check out this video:

:point_right: Some improvements include:

  • Modular approach to layouts where we can consistently add new and improved layouts.
  • Ability to add App and Logged In User Variables into all aspects of the layout. This can enhance your users’ experience by showing them values directly inside the menu based on their data. For example, how many tasks are open inside a menu.
  • Better user access control to only load settings, menu and sub menu items based on permissions you defined. We still recommend using different layouts for different user roles, but this can still be beneficial.

:exclamation:These updates will be live in the next day or two.

:soon: In the coming weeks, we’ll be making significant improvements and adding several new layouts. We’ll then put our focus to enabling you to create other pages like Login and Signup to resemble designs you’ve shown us. Here’s a sneak peek:

:electric_plug: New plugin coming soon–

We have an exciting plugin in the works that will enable you to chat with ChatGPT using the data in your app. More on this soooon.

:mortar_board: Knowledge center updates:

We’re working on a new and improved docs portal to make Tadabase that much easier to use and understand. More on this next week!

:jigsaw: Plugin of the week:

Use the JSON to ag-Grid Table Integration plugin to display JSON data in a tabular format. The plugin offers extensive configuration options to tailor the appearance and behavior of the table according to your requirements. Read more on this plugin here.

:sunrise: Sun’s setting on this one, Tadabasers. Happy building and see you next week! :crescent_moon:


This new layouts feature is going to take applications to the next level with better user interface and ability to increase product adoption.

Great Job @moe @Adi @tim.young @Chem


Wow, that’s a really great update ! Cheers to the Tadabase team @moe @Adi @tim.young @Chem :mega: :smile: :smile:


Oh my! The new layouts are GAME CHANGING!!! Well done…Kudos to the TB Team… @moe @Chem @Adi


Super Exciting! Can’t wait for the release!

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:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:


It’s live!

We have another dozen design layouts coming soon! Feel free to share the before and after :crazy_face:


This is awesome, well done. How do we apply these to layouts we have aleady built? or if we have to build new layouts how do we move the components in the layout to a new layout.

Unfortunately, that’s not possible. You’ll need to build a new layout, add all your navigations, and then move each page to the new layout.

We made the tough decision to rebuild this from the ground up, incorporating everything we’ve learned. As a result, the new layouts are not compatible with the old ones and cannot be easily migrated.


Hey Moe,

It was very easy to move the pages to the new layout, thanks for the help earlier. My app is looking awesome with the new layout. love it!

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