Tuesdays with Tadabase on a Wednesday - November 27th 2024

:turkey: :hugs: Thanksgiving week has arrived and our team is feeling endlessly grateful in sharing this update. Let’s tuck in and see what’s on this week’s platter:

:toolbox: Our engineers are dishing up: :plate_with_cutlery:

:new: New Data Model:

The theme in many of the features we’re rolling out now and in the coming weeks is centered around how to work with bigger and more advanced apps you’re building. As part of that, we’re excited that the Data Model is finally being rolled out live in the coming 24 hours.

:exclamation: Some of the features we’re excited about:

  1. Select a single table then only show the connected tables to that table: :point_down:

  2. Ability to save a layout to easily reference it in the future: :floppy_disk:

At this time this feature is intended to help you get a better understanding of your tables and fields, in the future we hope to add additional functionality to interact and make connections directly from the data model.

:bug: Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issues with Batch Operations showing ‘Record Not Found’.
  • Fixed issues with dynamic field display.
  • Fixed issue with multi-select not working properly in the builder.
  • Fixed many bugs with the new optimized equation fields.
  • Fixed some bugs with incoming webhooks when certain conditions are added.
  • Fixed issue with PDF Forms showing errors when the file became too large.
  • Optimized the application data being loaded when apps are loaded to increase loading speed.
  • Fixed issue with certain new layouts not loading correctly.

For a full list of fixes, see our release notes.

:raised_hands: What we’re thankful for:

We’d like to extend our gratitude to you, our wonderful community members and partners in this journey that we call Tadabase. We’re continuing to grow and develop our platform and we’ve got many exciting updates in store so be sure to - as always- stay tuned!

:shallow_pan_of_food: That’s a wrap on this week’s feast, Tadabasers. Happy building, Happy thanksgiving and see you next week! :pray:


New data model is not enabled yet. Here it mentions within one day (24 hours).

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