Tuesdays with Tadabase on a Wednesday - October 23rd2024

:seat: :ringer_planet: Another week, another wonderful update from the team. Let’s buckle in and blast off!

:loudspeaker: Final Reminder: On Sunday, October 27th at 1:30AM ET we are performing an update to our primary database and core infrastructure that will require us to take the entire system offline for under 30 minutes. Please be sure to notify anyone necessary and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

:cyclone: Update on App Loading Speeds

Over the past two weeks, we’ve received several reports about equations running slower than usual. We’ve dedicated significant time to optimizing this and are excited about our progress. Through our ongoing efforts, we’ve identified improvements that will dramatically reduce equation and formula update times. In some cases, we’ve seen a process that previously took 4,000 milliseconds reduced to just 40 milliseconds for the same amount of data.

In the coming weeks, we will begin rolling out a new version of our equation engine. We’re testing methodically, assuming larger datasets, with a minimum of 1 million records per table. With the introduction of new field types, enhanced indexing, and extensive code and server optimizations, we’re confident that soon you’ll notice a substantial improvement in equation speeds.

:closed_lock_with_key: Security Related Updates:

We’ve been hard at work finalizing some major projects and implementing performance optimizations. As part of our recent pentesting, we’ve made several security and performance updates, which will be fully deployed across all servers by the end of this weekend.

  • Scripts are now auto removed from all inputs to avoid XSS attacks
  • HTML will be removed by default unless you specifically allow it in the form settings.

  • When a password is changed all other logged in sessions will be terminated. You can override this in the app settings, although this is not recommended.

  • When ‘Forgot Password’ is used, it will no longer show if the account exists in order to avoid Email/user Enumeration.
  • Set a password limit of 255 characters
  • Passwords updates now require you to enter your old password to update the password in the profile component.

:bug: Bug Fixes:

We’ve also fixed several bugs and issues that came up recently:

  • Fixed calendar drag-drop issue
  • Fixed error on file save
  • Fixed issue with rollup fields not showing text fields in the builder

For a complete list of bugs, see our release notes.

:end: That’s everything for this week. Happy building, see you on Tuesday for our next launch! :rocket:

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Quick Question about the comment “HTML will be automatically removed”

Does this apply to short and long text fields only ?
As rich text fields are designed to accept HTML, and i would expect the default to be yes for HTML in these fields

Removal of HTML is not working properly.
When I use a rich text field and allow HTML, it is being removed.
Allowing HTML is set, still it is not working.
Setting it, deleting it, setting it: still not working.

HTML Is always being removed.

@Adi @Moe

This is causing major problems in my application, for forms and then using the PDF feature (as all html is gone).

This is a change not well-thought through, not well- tested.

A big NO from my side. I feel angry now…


You delete the field from your form and re-introduce the field. After that the “allow HTML” is working.