Tuesdays with Tadabase

:fallen_leaf: :calendar: It’s the first week of October and this week marks an entire trip around the sun worth of Tuesdays with Tadabase updates! We hope you, our community members, have been enjoying these updates and their consistency.

Our entire team does their utmost to be sure these updates are consistent and thanks to their efforts, we have not missed a single Tuesday since starting these posts. We’re looking forward to continuing this trend for years to come! :chart_with_upwards_trend:

:1st_place_medal: Without further ado, let’s check out what the team has in store for this special anniversary post:

:toolbox: Our engineers have unleashed some magic this week, sharing a new powerful feature to save local form in case of refresh or connectivity issues. Say goodbye to lost data and hello to peace of mind. Read the full update on this feature here.

:bug: We’ve also fixed some bugs this week including a bug with our exports and with adding multiple transformations. For more recent bug fixes, see our release notes.

:asterisk: We’ve removed the Name field as a required field in the Signup component so you can customize sign-ups to your heart’s desire. Woohoo!

:clapper: BTS: we’re actively working on our UI/UX and can’t wait to share some updates soon! We’re also continuing to have users test our DataBridge and are tweaking things according to feedback we’re receiving.

:school_satchel: New Build it with Tim alert! This week, Tim’s diving into Tadabase field settings and how to utilize their power to elevate your app’s functionality and appearance. Check it out!

:jigsaw: Plugin of the Week:

Exporting pivot tables? Yep, we’ve got that option too! Presenting a new Plugin to export a Pivot Table, ready to be utilized in your app today.

:exclamation: That’s a wrap on this one and concludes an this year’s worth of updates. Happy building and we’ll see you next week to kick off year 2! :man_running: