Using Created At in WEEKOFYEAR formula fails, any workaround?

I need to trend the number of quotes added to my app on a weekly basis.

I planned to use an equation field and WEEKOFYEAR({Created At}) but the equation field can’t “see” the Created At field.

Therefore I thought I might create a duplicate of that field called DateAdded using a Date Formula field. This works fine so now I have a second field called DateAdded with the created date in it (set to date output). This shows in the records.

Now I try to re create the equation field with WEEKOFYEAR({DateAdded}).
The equation validates but nothing appears in the record ???

Anybody got any ideas or a work around


Hi, I suggest to hardcode the created date in a date field using a table rule and make the other conversions using this field. As far as I know this kind of “system fields” don’t work well with equations.

Yeah I happened to do that with an older table so was able to do that . However I have a lot of historic data in this queries table so that rule would only work going forward I guess

You can update all the old records using the automations module > scheduled tasks > on demand, and configuring this rule

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Thanks … that worked